2% More Sunshine

I saw something the other day on social media that got me thinking about what I believe in.

My approach to coaching.

What I want for my clients.

What I want for the world.

I realized it’s not about being relentless, unstoppable or a “girl boss.” It’s not about learning to become a multi-tasking unicorn or saying yes to everything or “hacks” (that word will never not remind me of a phlegm-filled cough, yikes). It’s not about constantly pushing yourself or not backing down.

For me, my work with my clients is all about making small daily shifts that lead to much larger shifts over time.

While working with a client earlier this year, I named it my “2% more sunshine” method.

For those of you who (like me!) appreciate house plants, you know that there are certain spots in your house that get better light. At my house, our kitchen and living room get the best morning light. We make sure to open up the blinds every morning so the plants can bask in the glory of those bright rays of sunshine. As the sun shifts throughout the day, sometimes I’ll move my plants back into the beams of light so they can keep on soaking up as much sun as possible. It may sound silly, but on some days it’s this fun little quarantine game I play with the sun.

My 2% more sunshine method is all about remembering what lights us up. Re-aligning with our joy. And adding little doses into our day.

Let me give you an example: I have some end of the year bookkeeping stuff I need to catch up on. While I’m not opposed to hiring someone else to help me, I’ve chosen to do it myself. It’s not fun - it’s tedious and is likely to drain my energy. It’s cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms at best. It’s a task that could use a little more sunshine.

And here’s where the 2% more sunshine method comes in - I ask myself, “How do I make this 2% more delightful / fun / joyful for me?”

✨I can have a cold Arnold Palmer in a pink crystal goblet next to me as I work.

✨I can light my Roland Pine-scented candle on my desk.

✨I can wear my silk robe.

✨I can put my Maggie Rogers playlist on shuffle so I can sway to the music while I update my spreadsheet.

✨I can break it into 3 parts and schedule them out between now and the end of the year.

✨I can make it enjoyable for me.

2% more sunshine.

Where in your life could you benefit from 2% more sunshine? Let me know in the comments below!


Ground yourself.

