100 Hours of Transformation!


I crossed an important milestone in the last week - I’ve coached my clients for more than 100 hours in the last nine months. When I began my journey towards becoming a professional certified coach, the requirement of completing 100 coaching hours seemed like a very lofty goal. Not impossible, but no joke!

I’m so deeply grateful for all of the clients I’ve had the privilege of coaching in these 100+ hours. We’ve explored lots of territory together and it’s been an absolute honor to join them on their journey.

Looking back on my color-coded spreadsheet of coaching hours, I recall so many big and small client transformations. I think about all of the ways my clients have expanded beyond what their inner critics thought was possible, beyond their outgrown belief systems and beyond their external circumstances.

Some favorite client wins that grew out of these 100 hours...

  • One client left a toxic work situation and all of the guilt, anxiety and people pleasing pressure behind for a career that lights her up. And she met her goal of running a marathon at 40 after never being a runner!

  • One client has completely transformed her relationships with boundary-setting and no longer saying “yes” to avoid the guilt of saying “no.”

  • One client gained crystal clarity about her values and her non-negotiable needs in her next career, which prepared her beautifully for the interviews she aced for her current role.

  • One client built his leadership from exactly where he is within a tricky organizational culture. When we started working together he felt stifled by the hierarchy and the red tape. Now he’s created a completely new role for himself and is seen as a trusted leader on his team.

  • One client has completely shifted what she listens to as her source of wisdom. Where she used to tune into what others would like or want or need, she now checks in with her body and spirit before giving her time and energy.

  • One client developed a practice of adding small doses of playfulness to her daily tasks, bringing more being into the doing.

  • One client who was furloughed due to Covid-19 tapped into a wellspring of creativity to consciously design her and her family’s days while in quarantine - they’re now planting a garden together in the backyard!

  • One client is setting and keeping clear and calm boundaries with the people in her life that used to be the hardest to say no to.

  • One client has made a consistent practice of looking for ways the universe is supporting her instead of tallying up evidence that she’s “not enough” or “too much.”

  • One client’s need to be liked no longer calls the shots. She trusts her body’s “yes” and her body’s “no.” Now that she’s completely tuned in to her values and her purpose, she’s no longer afraid to speak up.

When I think of my clients and all of the deep internal reflection and bold external actions they’ve taken in service of their dreams and goals, I’m in awe. In awe of their bravery to move forward even when they’re scared. In awe of their pursuit of what makes them feel the most alive. In awe of how they now see choices in circumstances where they previously thought they were stuck. In awe of all the ways they choose to show up more fully for themselves as well as who and what matters most to them. In awe that getting to the heart of what is most important to these amazing people gets to be my job.

Thank you, dear clients!

If you’d like to experience how coaching might support you, I invite you to schedule a no cost, no obligation sample session with me here.


My Scavenger Hunt with the Universe


Let Yourself Off The Hook